
我们的团队每天都与客户交谈. 那些使用我们十大正规网堵平台并看到效果的人. 显然,他们有时想更多地了解他们正在使用的十大正规网堵平台, 一个他们感兴趣的, 甚至是它所影响的对象. 这些是我们最常从客户那里得到的问题? We’ve talked to our team and gat在这里d 10 of the most frequently asked questions in order to answer them 在这里. 我们在社交媒体上发布了这些答案. 下面是一个概述,以防你错过了一些:


清洗完水管后,将十大正规网堵平台倒入水中,直至pH值达到4.0或略低于(3.8-3.9). 水的pH值应该在动物饮水的地方测量,在水乳头或饮水者处. pH值为4.0会阻止水中大多数致病菌的生长. 记住,大多数霉菌和酵母可以忍受pH值范围为1.5至pH值10.0. The concentration of the organic acids is what controls the growth of molds and yeasts in the 水, 主要不是pH值.
The advantage of using a buffered organic acid-based product is that the equivalence points for the organic acids used, 通常符合所需的pH值范围4.0或略低于0. In practice this means that when you have reached your target pH you can continue to increase the dose and get a higher concentration of organic acids in the 水, 加强微生物控制, 对水的pH值影响很小.
To get the best effect of our 水 application products we generally recommend to dose them at 1 kg/1000L 水 even if you reach your 水 target pH with a lower dose.



One subject we get a lot of questions about is the concentration of butyric acid solutions and of course our star tributyrin product ProPhorce™ SR’s position within that subject. The most common question in that category is ‘how can we compare coated butyrate salt products with ProPhorce™ SR in terms of actual butyric acid content?’.

我们与我们的一位专家Jose M Ros Felip讨论了这个话题. His immediate response: ‘the main difference revolves around how the salts have been coated. 这些概念试图在效率和可处理性之间找到平衡. 十大正规网堵平台涂层良好,没有任何气味或其他问题, often consist of a higher amount of coating than butyric acid salts (calcium or sodium butyrate). That high percentage of coating also improves the likelihood that the acid actually reaches the intestinal tract w在这里 butyric acid exerts its best effects. 涂层较少的十大正规网堵平台可能会导致处理问题,并且可能效果不佳.’ 

About the comparison of concentration with ProPhorce™ SR tributyrins he states: ‘assuming that you’re using a product with a good coating, you can dose roughly half as much of ProPhorce™ SR 130 to get to the same amount of butyric acid. 但请注意,这是一个粗略的估计. 市场上包膜盐种类繁多, 所以如果你想知道确切的答案,一定要问我们的同事. 我们一直在这里回答这些问题. 我们只需要知道与什么预言家™SR进行比较,就能得到一个好的答案。”.



At Perstorp 动物营养 we focus our efforts and resources to the application of organic acid solutions in animal nutrition. One of the questions we received in our ‘frequently asked questions’ survey took an interesting twist on that: “Perstorp proposes to use organic acids almost in all steps from 饲料 to 还有 肠道健康. 是否存在累积有机酸剂量效应? 是否有用药过量的危险?”

为了得到这个问题的答案,我们与技术经理Burak Ruperez进行了交谈. 他一开始就说得很清楚"过量服用有机酸的风险很小. T在这里 is an EU regulation however that states that no more than 10 kg of formic acid may be used in animal 饲料 in total. That includes formic acid used as an acidifier and potentially also formic acid that is used for 卫生 purposes. 用于 卫生 目的会在工作的过程中消散,但是他们仍然需要被计算. 饲料生产专业人员应该了解这些水平. 如果饲料中含有10公斤的甲酸, 动物可能会简单地减少消耗. To make breaking this EU regulation even less likely: most formic acid in the market is 85% so dosage would have to be almost 12 kg of a finished product entirely based on only formic acid. Water products based on short chain fatty acids are not counted, nor are esters of organic acids”.

他继续说道:“在实践中,我们没有看到,也不建议任何人服用这么多. 尤其是一种酸. The science also shows that most of the time using several organic acids together greatly improves the effects that you’re after and gives a more well-rounded approach”. About the actual safety risk in overdosing he continues: “trials have been done in the past with much higher levels of organic acids in 饲料 with no reported negative effects. 



今年我们推出了 Gastrivix™Avi, our newest innovation and the only product combining the power of valeric acid with the well-known benefits of butyric acid both in form of esters. Many of our readers had not heard about the use valeric acid before and asked us “What’s the role of valeric acid in poultry nutrition? 它和丁酸有什么不同?” This top frequently asked questions series is a great opportunity to address that question.

In a study run with the University of Ghent it could be shown that valeric acid plays important role in modulation of the immune system and immune response in broilers showing positive effects to support the animal against necrotic enteritis issues. The use of both butyric acid and valeric acid is a key to optimal performance and economical gain.



One of the responses we received recently when taking inventory with our colleagues all over the world of the questions they most often receive is that the difference between gut wealth and 肠道健康 is not entirely clear. An attempt to clarify: GUT HEALTH has several definitions that are being used and deserves its own article altogether if we are to get very specific. 我们没有必要在这里讲那么多细节. What is important to realize in this context is that 肠道健康 is about striking an optimal balance in the gastro intestinal tract and the absence of any symptoms, 身体内部的疾病或状况. 在我们的工业环境中,通常是生产动物的身体. 与健康肠道相关的一些结果可能是出色的表现, 比如动物福利和应对挑战的韧性.

我们都希望我们的动物也能这样,对吧? 知道我们的动物的内脏是健康的,让我们安心. 毕竟你知道他们会感觉良好,表现良好. 肠胃财富就是内心的平静. 肠道健康被完全控制的感觉. 你的动物是健康的,快乐的,充分发挥他们的潜力. 这会让人安心,对吧? 我们定义肠道财富的方式甚至包括我们如何获得这些财富. 我们这样做是考虑到人类和地球吗? Gut wealth is a state of mind that we are hoping to help you achieve that is caused by knowing that the 肠道健康 of your animals is solid. 它不是物理状态,不是我们销售的十大正规网堵平台,也不是我们做出的承诺. 这是我们想要帮助你们实现的目标.


Continue reading part 2 for the other FAQ's >>



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